Monday, July 13, 2020

BW Journal Day 8 7/11 Home Bound

We broke camp early to give ourselves plenty of time to arrive for our pick-up at American Point at 8:30a.  We started none too early because we paddled hard and got there just as the pick-up boat was pulling up.
Here we are as happy bearded campers on our way back to civilization.  We'd give just about anything for a warm shower and a soft bed.

It's always interesting when you come back from the wilderness after being gone for a week. All kinds of things change.  I found out that our building super, with whom I met just before leaving on my trip, tested positive for Covid-19 while I was gone.  So based on that fact and my symptoms while on the trip, I am going for a scheduled test tomorrow.

Here is the Mall of America (and the JW Marriott) waiting for us in Minneapolis)

Below is a map of our adventure from American Point through 3 portages to Lake Ester off of Ottertrack Lake. The light blue line shows our GPS track. It shows our day trips to Rabbit Lake and Zephyr lake.  To see the whole map, please use the scroll bars. The Red dots are campsites; most of which were empty and the hiking symbol denotes the beginnings and ends of all the portages along the way.

This was the adventure of a lifetime and I think it changed us all for the better.

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